Once you're accepted in the Google AdSense Program, you want to maximize the opportunity. In this section, we will look at some of the most effective strategies which many webmasters are implementing for generating optimum revenue from the Google AdSense Program.

Step 1 - Formatting AdSense Ad Blocks

You can let Google decide for you the type of ads that will be displayed on your web page, but as a website publisher, you should decide what ads suit the content of your website and how you would like them to be displayed. To the extent possible, make sure whether chosen by Google or you, make the ads seem like part of the web pages.

It is a fact that that most Internet marketing experts believe that the ads on your website have a high probability of getting clicked if they blend in with the rest of the content of your web page. Factors such as color scheme, font size and type, and the appearance of your ad should match your web pages. Borders are optional and I think you should not used it because why put border that says "Hi! I'm an ad!"?

Also make sure regardless of other design choices, text link should be blue. Want to know why are text links blue?

So what kind of ad format you should put on your blog. There are text ads, image ads and link unit ads. Actually you can put text ads or image ads alone or you can put combination of both the ad formats. If you chose both, Google's technology will suggest whether an image ad or a text ad will be more suitable and which will earn you maximum revenues.

Well Link Unit ads doesn't work well in all sites. Many webmaster doesn't use it. But you can try in your blog, if it brings a revenue then you can continue otherwise discard it. The best place for the Link Units are both the footer and the side navigation of the blog or forum. For more information on the placement of Link Unit, visit jensense.com

Which format of AdSense ad proved to best? The answer is The Large Rectangle (336 x 280), the format is shown below. This ad format has resulted in high click - through rates (CTR), why this format? Because this ad look like normal web links, and people are trained to click on these types of links.

Look out for more information on the type of ad format you should put on you website at problogger.net and news.baluart.net

Also view the below poll result of Best paying AdSense format from forums.searchenginewatch.com

Now you have got the idea which AdSense ad format you should used in order to maximize your AdSense revenues.

Also check out this interesting tricks, I found from labnol's blog, where you can put different AdSense ad format at a same location randomly. This trick can be used for the purpose of experimenting that which ad format will work best for your website. He states in his blog as

The basic idea is to display different AdSense formats at the same location simultaneously but randomly. [This is done using the random() function in Javascript that generates a number between 0 and 1 with equal probability]

For more information about this trick, check out his blog.

So now which AdSense ad format are you going to use?

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Why you should join Google Adsense

Hi friends, those who are already in the adsense, congratulation and happy earning. I have written enough about Google Adsense. By reading my earlier posts, you should have joined till now.

Those who have skip my earlier posts can read by going to these links:

  1. What is Google Adsense?
  2. Make Money from Google Adsense.
  3. How does Google Adsense works.
  4. How much revenue you can generate from Google Adsense.

If you are not using Google Adsense, you're truely missing out on a great source of income opportunity.

Here I am listing few points, why you should join Google Adsene

  1. If you search multiple websites in different categories, you'll find one thing in common. Almost all of them have Google ads and nothing else. This is because Google Adsense is best in comparison with other programs. Don't take my word for it. Try other programs, but don't skip Google Adsene.
  2. Google's search spiders are so specific that the ads that appear on each page corressponds exactly to some element of that page.
  3. You can place text, image, banner ads and even a search box that will earn you company's revenue. Don't place a search from another company on the same page as google search box. There may be chances that they may stop working with you.

So don't you want to sign up, i bet you'll. I think you have already created a blog at your own domain name or create a free blog at blogger platform at www.blogger.com

So the biggest problem here is how to get approved by Google Adsense? Google famously has never publicly published details of its approval process, there are tips and tricks you should follow to ensure high posssibility of getting approved which i have covered here.

The good news is that Google does publish its policies and you do not need to be a member to read them. you should read them and be certain that you are in 100% compliance with them, not only when attempting to start your Adsense account, but once you are already a member. They update these policies regularly and a violation will get you suspended. A list of Google Adsense policies can be seen at : https://www.google.com/adsense/policies

well the trick is to make your site or blog in such a way that you are only providing content, because the less selling you do on your approved site, the better.

Don't worry once you're approved you can use that code whenever you want - so put it on other sites that sell later, But for the purpose of getting approved, try to limit to just content, content and more content.

I am going to give you some tricks which have worked for many people in getting approved by Google Adsense but i can't 100% gurantee you.

There are three main elements that you should focus on when getting approved.

  1. Site look and feel - Not that Google wants 100% professional designed website, but they also don't want some piece of junk. make sure to at least have a presentable website - even if it is just a few tables and a solid background colour. Avoid using unprofessional colour background.
  2. Content - The most important - Google believes is content. If you try to get a website with just a few pages approved, I don't think you will have any luck. you need to have at least 10-15 pages, preferably 10-15 pages of articles.
  3. Traffic - Many "experts" say that Google looks to see what kind of traffic you have and that they do not approved new sites with no traffic. But to my experience it doesn't matter a lot. But to be safe, before you submit your site for approval - try to get you site some traffic.

Here are useful tips you need to make the entire approval process easier and quicker:

  • Get content from article directories like www.goarticles.com - just put those articles in your site, getting 10-15 is easy.
  • Before you submit your site for approval, inform you friends about your new site, post at some forums with your website's link in the signature file - this will help you get some immediate traffic.
  • Make a very simple website with 10-15 articles, a contact us page, a privacy policy and the typical disclaimer.

That's it - you're ready to get approved for Google Adsense. And remember if you do not get approved, you can always fix things and try again.

So stop waiting - apply now - Google Adsense is a great source of income.

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How much revenue you can generate from Google Adsense?

This is the simple question many people are asking nowadays, I have researched over it and i am making the information available to you to my best.

Well Generating revenue from Google Adsense is not same for all webmaster. Many webmaster are making fortune through Google Adsense whereas others are not even making a penny. Its all about the tricks and tips of implementing adsense, which i am going to cover later in my posts, just keep visiting the blogs or subscribe this blog.

Google does not disclose exactly how much you will earn per ad that is clicked. The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount. According to general idea, they pay around 2 cents to $15 per click.

So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like debt free, employment, technology, make money, mp3, sex, etc. will earn you more per click since these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on the web. Advertisers generally pay more for popular terms because they are searched for more.

Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earning for each ad that is clicked from your site, you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of money you've generated that day, week, month, year, etc.

For example, if you see that you've made $15.80 today from 9 clicks then you can calculate that your average click-through commission was $1.75 per click. That's the detailed stats you'll get. Also remember, that's only an average. You won't know how much each specific ad brought in.

As to how much you'll generate revenue from Google Adsense depends totally upon you, the way you blog. You can generate revenue from Google Adsense upto five-six figures or above that but it will take a lot of time to reach this achievement. Those who are new in blogging and applied for adsense may not be making a cents sometimes, it may take a months to reach the adsense payout check of $100, there may be a day that you'll get frustrated and want to quit blogging but only your patience, working smarter and consistency in blogging can take you to the road of success.

Many people are claiming that they are making 5-6 figures monthly from adsense, yeah they are true but remember they didn't achieved that success overnight. They too have worked hard, took many years to reached that success. So don't get frustrated and keep on blogging, you too will reach that success one day.

I too know many people who are generating 5-6 figures monthly checks by using Google Adsense. A few examples of some well-known webmasters generating a lot of revenue from Google Adsense are stated below.

Also watch this video of Joel comm's Google Adsense earning statics.

Earning money from Google Adsense depends on a number of factors. Few points are listed below:
  • The number of pages viewed per day.
  • The topic of your content.
  • The price paid by the advertiser for each click.
  • The number of people who click the ads.
If you too have got some solid points then you too can share here by commenting.

The amount you'll earn also depends largely on the amount of targeted traffic you receive to your own site, how well the ads match your audience's interests, the placement of the ads on your pages, and of course the amount you receive per click. Ideally, you should create a site on a topic you know a lot about. That way you'll have a much easier time creating a generous, original amount of content on that subject.

If I have left some facts, misfact the figure about the topic, then you are always welcome to share your views by commenting or contacting me.

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How does Google AdSense work?

In simple words, Google Adsense working is

Google Adsense provides you with a number of ad formats - image or text based or link unit. Implementing Google Adsene is very easy. You specify your preferences and Html or JavaScript is then generated which you copy and paste into your blog or page source code where you would like the ads to display. You can use the same html or Javascript code on any of your websites.

Each time the page is viewed or whenever someone visits your website the Adsense bot queries Google and displays these ads. So if the page isn't listed in Google or has changed, then the bot will scan the page to determine what ads to display.

This is what its all about, since people come to your website with a specific interest Google will display ads reflecting the topic. That means that any ad that is displayed fits the interest of the person viewing it. Since Google pays you for each clickthrough, this can be very lucrative if done right.

For further information read this- which is quoted from www.selfseo.com, they have explained more elaborately:

Advertisers pay Google when someone clicks on their ads which are placed on pages that contain text. For example, if you write content about lawn mowers, you will likely see ads from lawn mower manufacturers and/or retailers on that page. When someone clicks on those ads, the advertiser pays Google and Google pays you. Of course, the advertiser is hoping the person that clicked on the add will actually purchase the lawn mower or whatever they’re offering.

In fact, Google is very strict about the integrity of this process. You are forbidden to click on your own ads. If you do, your Adsense account will be terminated and you might never get it back. You are also prohibited from asking others to click on “your ads”. It makes sense. Why would advertisers want to pay just so your friends and family could click on your ads when no one is really interested in purchasing the lawn mower or subject of the ad.

The good news is that it’s not necessary to “cheat.” Google Adsense is so easy you’ll make more money just going by the rules. Have or write interesting content that will turn up in search engines and you have “targeted” the right people to read those ads. Just think, somebody in Indiana buys a lawn mower and you get a commission!

What Not to Tell Others About the Google Adsense Program – The Most Important Rule

The more authentic information about Google Adsense you know, the more likely people are to consider you a Google Adsense expert. Read on for even more Google Adsense facts that you can share.

Sympathy only goes so far. Not only is it against the Google Adsense Program Policies but if you rely on friends and family members to click on your ads instead of diligently working the program, you’re cheating yourself – and the Google Adsense Program.

The “help me out” wail may work when your kid is selling outrageously expensive candles for the end of the year school party but it has no place in the Google Adsense Program.

Besides, if you’re asking people to click on your ads, that means you’re not optimizing your site for valid clicks as well as referrals. Use that same energy to polish your content and your site. When family and friends ask what you’ve been up to, you can proudly show them your hard work. When they see how excited you are, you’ll see your referral revenue go up.

Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about Google Adsense. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.

The good news is that it’s not necessary to “cheat.” Google Adsense is so easy you’ll make more money just going by the rules. Have or write interesting content that will turn up in search engines and you have “targeted” the right people to read those ads. Just think, somebody in Indiana buys a lawn mower and you get a commission!

What Not to Tell Others About the Google Adsense Program – The Most Important Rule

Sympathy only goes so far. Not only is it against the Google Adsense Program Policies but if you rely on friends and family members to click on your ads instead of diligently working the program, you’re cheating yourself – and the Google Adsense Program.

The “help me out” wail may work when your kid is selling outrageously expensive candles for the end of the year school party but it has no place in the Google Adsense Program.

Besides, if you’re asking people to click on your ads, that means you’re not optimizing your site for valid clicks as well as referrals. Use that same energy to polish your content and your site. When family and friends ask what you’ve been up to, you can proudly show them your hard work. When they see how excited you are, you’ll see your referral revenue go up.

Leave the view about this topic in the comment section.

Related Topics:

  1. What is Google Adsense?
  2. Make Money From Google Adsense?

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What is Google Adsense?

Anyone who owns or is thinking about creating a website or blog would be crazy to ignore Google Adsense.

I am happy to say that making money with your site, no matter the topic, has become easier than it's ever been before - and it's 100% legitimate.

Enough said, now lets come to the point.

From Adword to Adsense

Google.com earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords.

Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by placing these same text ads on your site. In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.

This program is called Google AdSense.

Google Adsense is the programme that can generate that can generate advertising revenue from each page on your website - with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.

Adsense delivers relevant ads that are precisely targeted on a page-by-page basis to the content people find on your site. And when you add a Google search box on your site, Adsense delivers relevant ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitor's search request.

Google Adsense ads, are highly content relevant ads, that are served directly on your pages - without your intervention. For you as a webmaster, this means that you simply paste the Google Adsense code on your pages, and thereafter have a constantly updated and relevant advertising income.

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Make Money From Google Adsense

Those who have no idea about what is Google adsense can read from my earlier posts. click here.

So Now lets come to the point

How can we Make Money from Google Adsense.

Every website owner should be involved in Google Adsense. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up. Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with Google AdSense -- or at least enough to fund your website.

So if you are one of those people that don't like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some.

Even if you earned as little as $10 in a month, it would more than likely cover some or all of the costs for your web site. Perhaps you are simply looking for ways to add additional revenue to your website, then it's perfect for that situation too.

This program is getting so popular, people are creating websites just to display the ads and profit from Google Adsense alone.

I don't usually like to use the term "easy money" because there really is no such thing. You still have to create your own website and learn how to bring in traffic in order to make good money with this program.

I certainly don't want to make it sound like you get something for doing absolutely nothing. There's no such thing.

However, I've got to say that Google Adsense is probably the closest you'll ever come to fast money on the Internet -- especially if you already have a website that gets a good amount of traffic.

What's even better...the program is completely free. You can also use it on multiple websites and there is no limit to the amount you can earn.

You can sign up Google Adsense for free. Click the link below to sign up.

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